Colson's Aphorisms to Ponder
edited by David G. Kamper, M.D.
(click to respond)
"My Final Words"
by Charles Colson
Holding Tight to the Issuses That Matter Most
2015, Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Drive SE,
Grand Rapids, Michigan 45946
Take the time and make the effort to ponder each aphorism.
p 196: “I know God is the alpha and omega; He is the source of all reality. Without Him, we cannot explain our existence. He is.
p 195: In Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Cowman, “We must pray believing, must trust God completely for the results, and must genuinely believe that the prayer will be answered and is answered.”
p 195: "God is not our celestial bellhop waiting for us to command Him to do things."
p 198: “Faith is more than intellectual assent. Its total surrender of one's self.”
p 218: “Special needs kids are a gift to the world because they teach us special love.”
p 201: … “situations in which Chistians should do the very best of things. Because we do not let the circumstances control us, we do not succumb to anxiety. Anxiety leads to despair; despair is a sin because it denies the sovereignty of God.”
p 201: "Fear is the enemy of faith; Anxiety is the anti-God state; Dispair is a surrender of faith."
P 224: Question by student at King's College in New York : “Since we believe that all humans are equal, all created in the image of God, is it not a Christian duty to see that all people get equal benefits in a society?”
Answer: We talk about equal rights and equal human dignity. Our founders said, “We hold that all men are created equal.” We are all created equal in terms of human dignity, not in terms of physical characteristics, abilities,intellect, and certainly not the results we achieve in life.
The human race is really a mosaic of all these talents and gifts being used, outof which comes a functioning community.
How does each aphorism impact you as as individual? Does it influence your relationships with other individuals and your community?
Peace comes with surrendering one's self to God Who graciously providessolutions.